Frequently Asked Questions.

How does Hyron secure qualified meetings with elusive ICPs for enterprise-level outreach?

Hyron's Print tracking method involves deep research into each targeted company and its decision-makers, establishing a personal rapport.

Ultra-customized email campaigns aim at the top five key decision-makers, employing diverse strategies (Email, SMS, Voicemail, Cold Call follow-ups).

Why choose Hyron over other companies (why our service is superior)?

We practice what we preach, achieving results for ourselves in the same ways we do for our clients.

At Hyron, we grow our business by consistently delivering exceptional outcomes without disparaging our competitors. Comparing us to other marketing consulting firms is akin to comparing a spaceship to a plane; we adopt wholly distinct strategies in lead nurturing.

Can I bring my clients and earn commissions?

We are highly selective about who can represent our brand. We offer a certified agency program that includes commissions for client referrals. Learn more about this here or contact your onboarding representative.

How do we get started?

Certainly. To ensure the best results, we warm up each email ID for 14 days for optimal deliverability. Another 14 days to ramp up the emails sending to max capacity.

During this setup phase, we'll develop your enticing offer, craft the initial email and follow-ups, design catchy subject lines, and create an engaging Video Sales Letter (VSL).

How many emails do we send out?

Our basic package includes 25 Email IDs, each capable of sending up to 30 emails daily (25,000 Emails/mo).

As your requirements expand, we can scale up effortlessly to enhance your outreach capabilities.

Can I cancel at any time?

Yes. You can cancel anytime, and we offer a 90-day satisfaction refund guarantee. You won’t pay anything if you’re not satisfied because:

  1. We don’t believe in charging you if you're unhappy.
  2. We’re confident you’ll find Hyron indispensable once you see the growth it brings to your business.

What about the costs for email IDs and domains?

Forget the minutiae—we cover all costs associated with email IDs and domains within our fees, including everything related to outbound prospecting. Plus, you retain full ownership of the emails and domains we establish for you.

Why opt for email outbound prospecting over paid ads?

Cold emailing cuts through the clutter of competitive advertising. It’s easier to scale, less expensive, and more direct, allowing you to reach decision-makers and your exact ICP effectively, especially useful in contacting potential leads without distractions.

Tracking campaign success?

You will get access to comprehensive analytics and reporting tools that monitor open rates, click-through rates, and response rates.

These tools help us continuously refine your campaigns for optimal performance.

Is our email prospecting GDPR/Can-Spam compliant?

Absolutely. We ensure strict compliance with GDPR/Can-Spam and other regulatory standards.

Our email marketing practices are fully compliant, offering you both peace of mind and legal protection.

What if it doesn't work?

Simply put, we stand behind our methods. We use the same systems we recommend to our clients to ensure effectiveness.

Not only that but we have a 90-day want refund guarantee. You will never pay a dime if you fail to see results.

Is Hyron a good fit for any stage of a tech/fintech company?

Having some level of product-market fit is definitely essential. A good indicator of this is if you’re closing around 20-25% of your qualified sales calls and have a minimum of three paying customers.

This demonstrates that there’s demand for your product or service in the market and that customers are willing to pay for it.

What is Hyron Leads?

Hyron is the first-ever platform that helps you set up multiple email inboxes in seconds. If you are tired of paying expensive email hosting bills with Workspace and Zoho, or you hate setting up email records for multiple inboxes, Hyron is the right choice for you.